Ways to evaluate our technology and purchase our products:- Purchase
- Lease to Evaluate if Technology is Appropriate to the Need
- Lease to Own
No free demonstration sources are available! Purchase Lease to Evaluate if Technology is Appropriate to the Need Sputtering Sources are available to users in the United States who wish to conduct preliminary development work in advance of fully funding a program or activity. A minimum two (2) month lease period is required. The monthly lease payment is equal to 10% of the list selling price. All standard Polaris™ and SunSource™ sputtering sources smaller than 25" in length are available for lease on this basis. The customer is also responsible for the cost of precision cleaning returned items to their original UHV compatible condition. An invoice for the cleaning charge will be issued when Materials Science, Inc. has received the source and an independent company specializing in cleaning parts suitable for vacuum service has cleaned the component parts. Download Lease Terms & Conditions
Lease to Own Select SunSource™ sputtering sources may be leased to own. The monthly lease payment is equal to 10% of the list selling price. A written purchase order covering the entire lease term and security deposit/downpayment is required. 60% of the lease amount (not including shipping, taxes and other incidental charges) will be credited to the purchase of the item until it has been fully paid for. Title will transfer to the Buyer once full payment has been made. We accept the following credit cards for payment 